format date and time as per user s locale date formatting solved kirby cur date natively format javascript dates and times how to format date in javascript that javascript date formatting net style format date and time as per user s formatting dates in javascript with javascript date formatting net style date and time localization lokalise issues with date type converter format javascript date object locale methods acuity scheduling to notion date format locale struggle sheet vs javascript date formatting net style date format locale struggle sheet vs format js react intl javascript locale aware date time number formatting in javascript cur date parsing dates and time using luxon c string format formatting strings date internationalization with d3 js formatting dates in javascript with format date and time as per user s solidjs localization a pro guide with issues with date type converter format date format locale struggle sheet vs sql format function knime ytics platform convert date string from one format to format date in powers a quick javascript localization javascript internationalization date and time programming in swift date format locale struggle sheet vs understanding the intl javascript api knime ytics platform issues with date type converter format fmt formatting printing c library python complains about date format cur date format js react intl