deploy directory build does not exist nextjs for building seo friendly full laravel vite manifest not found install sage 10 manifest json configure your angular application with laravel 9 vite manifest json not found missing vite manifest file manifest json app manifest with create react app create a pwa with sveltekit svelte after deployment there are errors like where does next js put build folder pre render routes with react snap pre render routes with react snap public build manifest json no next directory after docker build json expecting value line 1 column 1 not reference an appbuilder extensio after deployment there are errors like sveltekit pwa installable app with pre render routes with react snap nextjs starter not working developing 1 laravel 9 vite manifest not found astro ui framework full book app manifest with create react app sveltekit and workbox precaching after deployment there are errors like building a pwa with svelte logrocket debugging speculation rules after deployment there are errors like next js three js cannot access items in building a pwa with svelte logrocket rails 6 webpacker manifest module not found render rails 6 webpacker manifest not reference an appbuilder extensio