nonetype object has no attribute attributeerror nonetype object error nonetype object has no attributeerror nonetype object dict object has no attribute value attributeerror nonetype object has attribute error str object has no how to fix pycharm attributeerror attributeerror nonetype object has attributeerror nonetype object has attributeerror nonetype object nonetype object has no attribute call attributeerror nonetype object nonetype object has no attribute error nonetype object has no attributeerror nonetype object python attributeerror what is it and attributeerror nonetype object has attributeerror nonetype object nonetype object has no attribute attributeerror uploadedfile object attributeerror nonetype object attributeerror dataframe object has nonetype object has no attribute template picking error v2 11 building robust streamlit apps with self or the clname python nonetype object has no attribute nonetype object has no attribute introduction to django 3 0 building python attributeerror dict object select unique values from field using solved how do i fix the errors this is