difference between dicot and monocot external leaf structure monocot and dicot leaves leaf overview leaves revisionug com external structure of a leaf you external leaf structure dicot leaf diagram diffe modifications in roots stems leaves revisionug com plant stem parts nodes structure external features of a monocot leaf representative exle of a maize plant leaf anatomy both internal and difference between dicot and monocot monocot stem structure and function anatomy of dicot and monocot leaves of dicot and monocot roots and stems difference between monocot and dicot flower of monocot and dicot plants bot201secgrowlab external leaf structure doerdo plant structure ii structure of monocot leaf and dicot leaf glossary monocot plant plant physiology i stems gif plant anatomy of root stem leaf structures involved in photosynthesis monocot root leaf flower and plants flower of monocot and dicot plants flower of monocot and dicot plants answered lab work 3 the leaf a difference between monocot and dicot leaf the monocot stem stems introduction dicotyledonouonocotyledonous plants layers of a leaf overview functions