nonetype object has no attribute csdn list object has no attribute strip attributeerror nonetype object has nonetype object has no attribute series object has no attribute strip knime python script none type object list object has no attribute strip error nonetype object has no attributeerror nonetype object has opencv resolving nonetype errors 利用python 的strip lstrip 和rstrip list object has no attribute strip dict object has no attribute append attributeerror list object has no attributeerror nonetype object has how to fix error nonetype object has attributeerror nonetype object attributeerror nonetype esri community attributeerror nonetype object 树莓派上yolov5报错 nonetype object attributeerror nonetype object has installing tao deploy using pip python attributeerror dict object dataframe object has no attribute sort advanced data wrangling with pandas anja s imdb web ser python 3 6解决报错 nonetype object how to fix error nonetype object has advanced data wrangling with pandas